Posted on 2/6/2023 by Singing River Dentistry Madison
People suffering from a chronic condition called sleep apnea tend to stop breathing from time to time throughout their sleeping patterns. One type of sleep apnea is central sleep apnea, during which the body ceases to send signals to the body to breathe while a person is sleeping. In this case, there are no physical disruptions to the airways. The body, however, responds as if there is some form of physical disruption occurring to the airways.
Obstructive sleep apnea is another type of apnea in which interruptions in the airways cause the airway to block, causing insufficient oxygen supply. The cut in oxygen supply deprives oxygen to the lungs. Obstructive sleep apnea is the most prevalent type of apnea and a dentist can be of help if you have this condition.
How a Dentist Can Help
If you are suffering from sleep apnea and wondering where you can find help, trust a dentist experienced in the treatment of sleep apnea can help. After being diagnosed the dentist may recommend that you wear some appliances to ease the symptoms. A device referred to as a mandibular advanced device or a dental sleep device is provided. This oral appliance more or less resembles a mouthguard.
When worn, it pushes the lower jaw forward such that it becomes impossible for the muscle that collapses during sleep apnea to do so. Instead, the muscle tightens up. With continued use of the device, the airway becomes stronger and rigid and your sleep apnea symptoms cease. Some devices are adjustable, meaning you alter the position where your jaw sits when you insert them.
If you know of someone suffering from sleep apnea or you have long been affected by the condition, please don't hesitate to contact us. Schedule an appointment and we will put you on the road to recovery.
About Us - Madison, AL | Singing River Dentistry Singing River Dentistry is a patient-centered dental practice, devoted to helping patients of all ages improve their oral and overall health. Call us! Singing River Dentistry Madison, 7559 Hwy 72 W, Suite 105, Madison, AL 35758; 256 - 562 - 4001;; 2/13/2025; Page Phrases: dentist Madison AL;