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Singing River Dentistry Madison

Is Tooth Extraction Painful?

Posted on 8/22/2022 by Singing River Dentistry Madison
Is Tooth Extraction Painful?You may feel nervous when faced with tooth extraction appointments, but it's a relief.

Tooth extraction hurts, but our dentists can administer a local anesthetic during the procedure to eliminate the pain. So tooth extraction doesn't have to be painful as expected.

Tooth extractions may need to happen because of impacted wisdom teeth, excessive tooth decay, tooth infection, crowding of teeth, or other problems.

Pain during extraction

The dentist may opt to administer several medications during tooth extraction to eliminate pain for the patient, depending on their dental problems. Some of the commonly used medications/methods are discussed below.

Local anesthesia

Many dentists commonly use this drug before the extraction to numb pain. However, you may feel the sensation with a local anesthetic on, but you won't feel the actual pain. The medication is applied to the numb area of extraction. In case you feel any pain, inform your dentist so that he/she may apply additional drugs.

Sedation dentistry

It's used to calm patients who are anxious during the procedure. Sedation dentistry is often used in complicated tooth extraction procedures. The patient remains awake during the whole process but may feel drowsy and won't be able to remember after the surgery.

General anesthesia

In general anesthesia, the patient is fully unconscious during the whole procedure but fails to remember anything eventful. It's mostly administered through inhalation. Blood pressure, breathing, and temperature are carefully monitored during the procedure to ensure the patient's safety.

Pain after extraction

Every dental patient has their own time of healing. Some may take long periods, while others have a shorter time to heal. You might experience tenderness and discomfort in the area of extraction, which might last a few days.

Additionally, you might feel tightness and stiffness in your jaw accompanied by a dry socket due to a blood clot in the extraction socket. A dry socket is treated with medication gel that the dentist can apply to the dry socket to cover up the socket.

Contact us today by calling 256 - 562 - 4001 if you need a tooth extraction. our dentists and surgeons offer painless tooth extraction procedures.
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Singing River Dentistry Madison, 7559 Hwy 72 W, Suite 105, Madison, AL 35758 • 256 - 562 - 4001 • • 9/6/2024 • Page Phrases: dentist Madison AL •