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Singing River Dentistry Madison

Oral Appliance Therapy
Madison, AL

Losing valuable deep sleep can severely impact your quality of life. It can leave you drowsy throughout the day, even when you think you had a full night's sleep. Thankfully, there are treatment options available to improve your sleep. Oral Appliance Therapy is an option specifically if you have been diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea or have a history of loud snoring. Our professionals at Singing River Dentistry are here for you to provide more information on treating sleep apnea with Oral Appliance Therapy.

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When is Oral Appliance Therapy Used?

Oral Appliance Therapy is a less obtrusive treatment compared to a CPAP machine, which is the more common treatment option for all types of sleep apnea. However, Oral Appliance Therapy is primarily to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea, which is one of three types of sleep apnea. This type of sleep apnea happens when the muscles in the back of your throat relax during sleep and either block or reduce the airways, making it difficult, if not impossible, to breathe. Oral Appliance Therapy is used to keep these airways open during sleep. It can reduce loud snoring and restore your healthy sleep. It prevents the need for your body to arouse during the night to open up these airways and lose deep sleep.

How Does Oral Appliance Therapy Work?

Oral Appliance Therapy uses a removable oral appliance that looks and feels like a mixture of a sports mouthguard and a retainer. Once prescribed by a doctor or by our dentists, our professionals will fit this oral appliance to fit your unique teeth. Every appliance is custom made to fit your smile. That way, it has the best chances possible of providing better sleep for you.

Each night, before sleeping, you will place this oral appliance in your mouth. This appliance was deigned to keep your airway from collapsing by either moving your jaw to a more forward and slightly down position or holding down your tongue. By keeping your airways open, and preventing them from collapsing, your breathing during sleep won't be obstructed and the oxygen levels in your blood will remain at a healthy level. After waking in the morning, you will remove and clean the oral appliance and proceed with your day as normal.

What are the Benefits of Oral Appliance Therapy?

Man peacefully sleeping with a CPAP oral appliance mask over his mouth at Singing River Dentistry.Oral Appliance Therapy is an alternative to a CPAP machine. While both have their advantages in treating sleep apnea, Oral Appliance Therapy is more convenient for those who travel, easy to wear, quiet, portable, and often more comfortable. Other than comfort level, this type of therapy can make major improvements to your health and quality of life by restoring your sleep, reducing your daytime fatigue, and reduce other symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

Contact Us Today!

If your nightly sleep suffers because of loud snoring or you have been diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance Therapy might be the treatment that is perfect for you. Call our team at Singing River Dentistry today at 256 - 562 - 4001. Our professionals want to help you get the true night's sleep that you deserve.

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Oral Appliance Therapy - Madison, AL | Singing River Dentistry | Singing River Dentistry | Madison, AL
At Singing River Dentistry, oral appliance therapy is an option if you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea. Click here to learn more!
Singing River Dentistry Madison, 7559 Hwy 72 W, Suite 105, Madison, AL 35758 : 256 - 562 - 4001 : : 2/6/2025 : Tags: dentist Madison AL :